it's here

you can take the girl out of west virginia, but you can't take the west virginia out of the girl

Monday, November 1, 2010

opening day

where do i start? i guess i'll do it the way i do everything. just jump straight in.
warning: this will read the way i talk. it will be random & a bit brash. you may come across the F-word from time to time. it will never be properly punctuated or capitalized. my grammar may be hurting. you might like what i have to say, but then again, you might not. if a blog had volume, you'd turn mine down. so, welcome to my attempt at blogging. what spurred this?

my close, old friends may remember the redneck newsletters i used to send out. i was told that it was kind of a blog before there was such a thing as a blog. i'll be honest though, i'm not sure i know what the definition of a blog is. i'm just doing this because i'm assuming i'll figure it out as i go along... which is pretty much how i run my whole life. so anyway, i have  a trip to wild, wonderful west virginia coming up which should give me fodder for another red-neck newsletter. that's why i thought maybe i'd start trying my hand at this. but if i'm going to bust this out blog-style (not old-school emails to people i selected) then i will probably have to change some names to protect the guilty.

1 comment:

  1. Good start wild one...hope to see in WWWVa when you get in...

